
Hey there! I’m Jessi Eoin, and I’m a fat, white, disabled, queer, nonbinary artist making comics and illustrations about all those things. I currently live on the occupied lands of the Canarsie and Munsee Lenape people in what is called Brooklyn, New York, United States.

A colorful digital illustration of Jessi Eoin, a fat, white, nonbinary person with wavy brown hair and blue eyes sitting on a purple couch and drawing on a green tablet with an intense look on their face as they focus. They have purple bags under their eyes and furrowed eyebrows. They're wearing a nasal strip across the bridge of their nose, a purple sweater, and a long, blue skirt. Behind them is a yellow pillow, and next to them on the couch is a pair of black and white drawings on papers. One of the drawings shows a queer femme couple walking arm in arm, and the other shows a snake with flowers. Next to the couch is a green peperomia plant in a spotted, turquoise pot. The background is divided into pink and yellow. On the right side, the pink side, is a white balloon showing what Jessi is drawing so intensely: a black and white drawing of a tastefully nude fat person with the word butt on it. On the left side, the yellow side, text appears in shades of purple and pink, handwritten font: "Jessi Eoin. Illustrations and Comics. And Butts."

My pronouns are they/them, and you can use it like this, “Jessi said they love their friends, their partner, and themself.”

I love to make art of fat and disabled people, celebrating all the ways that our lives and bodies are normal, wonderful, and phenomenal, and if that’s something you like to see, come hang around!

You can sign up for my newsletter Into the Bramble for comic recommendations and reviews, looks at my art process, interviews, and much more. You can also find me on Twitter, Instagram, and (soon) YouTube!

You can also support my work for a few dollars a month on Patreon in exchange for even more cool stuff like shop discounts, behind the scenes content, and more.

If you’d like to reach me directly, you can email me at hellojbeoin [at] gmail [dot] com.

Have more questions? Check out my FAQ page!

Published In

Wizards in Space Magazine
The logo of the publication called Lemonspouting.
The logo of the publication called Stonecrop Review.
Stonecrop Review
The logo of the publication called "carte blanche."
carte blanche
The logo of the publication called "Peachfuzz Magazine."
PeachFuzz Magazine
A black and white illustration of a femme person with red lips.
Just Femme & Dandy
The black and white logo of Rebel Mountain Press.
Rebel Mountain Press
The logo of the publication called "Apero."

Exhibited With

“From Bed” 2020 Feminist Art Festival. Feminist Art Collective. March 2020.
“Beloved” 2020 Feminist Art Festival. Feminist Art Collective. March 2020.

“From Bed” 2019 CATA Art Show. Canadian Art Therapy Association (CATA). October 2019.
“Beloved” 2019 CATA Art Show. Canadian Art Therapy Association (CATA). October 2019.

Awards + Honors

September 2019
“From Bed” Second place
Queens County Farm Fair Art Contest, Paintings and Drawings Division
Queens County Farm. Queens, NY

September 2018
“Cozy Witch”
First place
Queens County Farm Fair Art Contest, Paintings and Drawings Division
Queens County Farm. Queens, NY