
the (tiny) friend
Tiny friends help each other with big problems! A micro comic about an old fairy and her dandelion duties.
4 page comic

Sheryl Doesn’t Work Weekends: A Hard Lesson Learned for an Aspergillus Fae
A 48 page work in progress about a middle aged changeling and her crew of fae-fighting badasses protecting humans from multilevel marketing schemes

A comic exploring hope as an action. Made with traditional mediums. Inspired by Mariame Kaba.
1 page comic

A Long Eviction
An autobiographical comic about finding ways to deal with anxiety and trauma
4 page comic

Fairy Tales for Adults
A one page comic about the fairy tales told to adults in the U.S., especially of the pale variety
1 page comic

A fantastical, autobiographical comic exploring the experience of touch starvation
7 page comic

New Garden
A fantastical, autobiographical comic exploring coming to terms with being disabled in an ableist world
7 page comic